Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

This morning the boys brought Mom breakfast in bed.

The tray held 2 tortillas, an apple, a quart-sized jar of honey, a knife and 3 over-ripe bananas.

Macho cried hysterically while Jammy explained the menu. "I brought the tacos because I couldn't find any bread. You can spread the honey on the tacos. I washed the apple. I told him not to put three bananas, but he wouldn't listen."

Macho's sadness started on Friday. There was Muffins for Moms party at his preschool. At the party the moms were presented with gift baskets containing hand-crafted items that the kids had made. As Mom admired each gift in her basket, Macho would say, "That's not for you. That's MINE!" Mom tried to explain to him what Mother's Day is all about, but Macho would have none of that. "It's NOT your BIRTHDAY!!! I made it. It's MINE!!"

When Jammy started preparing Mom's breakfast in bed, it revived the animosity from Friday. Macho wanted to put three bananas, but Jammy told him he couldn't. After Mom called from her room that the three bananas would be no problem, Macho picked up the tray with the three bananas and started bringing it to Mom in bed. Jammy began yelling from the kitchen, "No! Come back! It's not ready!" Macho moved faster trying to get ahead of his brother, but Jammy caught up to him, and a struggle ensued.

Mom, trying to stay in bed, told Jammy to go back the kitchen, and then gently explained to Macho that after Jammy finished loading the tray, Macho could bring it to her. It was no use. Macho's heart was broken. He finally took the tray into the kitchen and then crawled into bed with Mom, sobbing.

"Why are you so sad? Do you have hurt feelings?" asked Mom.

"He took my feelings OUT!" cried Macho.

It took almost half an hour for Macho to get his feelings back in. Mom finally had to send him to cry in his room, so that she could eat her breakfast tacos with Jammy.

Eventually, things calmed down, and Mother's Day got a lot more fun. Jammy set up clues all around the house and sent Mom and Macho on a treasure hunt. Mom made some bread out of the extra bananas. Macho brought Mom the gift basket from school and admitted that it was for her.

1 comment:

  1. Your children are providing you with material for a best seller- get on it!
