Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Magic Show

Jammy has been sniffling and coughing since he and Macho got home from their trip to Chattanooga for Thanksgiving.  By the time Mom picked him up from school today, his voice was almost gone. 

This cannot be, because Jammy has a lot of speaking to do in the upcoming "Holiday Moosical." Mom took him home and wrapped a scarf around his neck, and got out the neti-pot to rinse out Jammy's sinuses before bed.

At first Jammy complained about the neti-pot, but when he realized how awesome it was, he was excited.

"I could do a magic show for my friends, and we could take a little pot with no writing on it, and I could make water come out of the other side of my nose - for one of my tricks!"

And later, "Mom, I know what we could do for some money.  If someone never saw it before, they could pay $20, and you or I could make water come out the other side of our nose!"

Mom doesn't want to break the news to Jammy that there are people all over Youtube who are just letting people watch for free (netipot video).


  1. I can see it all now, the lights dim, the curtains open, a small table covered by a red velvet cloth sits center stage, 2 neti pots side by side, bathed in the spotlight. Suddenly, Namika and Jammy file in from stage right, a hush falls over the crowd, a drum roll is heard, and... TAH DAH!!! The crowd goes crazy and the house comes down!!!!!!!!

  2. jammy actually let you put that in his nose?

  3. The next night when I told him it was time to do the neti-pot, he said "I was hoping we were going to do that again!"
